موقع بالعربي موقع بالعربي: November 2016

Thursday, November 24, 2016

اسرائيل تشتعل فى اكبر حرائق الغابات فى التاريخ

اسرائيل تشتعل  فى عده اماكن كثيره والحرائق  تصل  الى مستوى تاريخي  غير  مسبوق  قبل   هذا  الوقت فى اسرائيل او فى العالم  وكما  ان السلطان  الاسرائيليه المحتله للاراضى الفلسطينيه  طلب من  عد دول  اوروبيه ان  تقوم  بالمساعده فى عمليه اطفاء  الحرائق نظرا للرياح  العاتيه التى تضرب  اسرائيل  حاليا  وقد  قام  العديد  من  رؤسا الدول  الاوروبيه  بارسال   طارئرات للعمل  على مساعده اطفاء  الحراق  المشتعله فى اسرائيل منذ اول  امس  .
اتش تي سي اتش تي سي اتش تي سي
كما   طلبت اسرائيل الطلب من تركيا ان  تشارك فى عمليه الاطفاء وبالفعل  وافق رئيس  الدوله التركيه  رجب  طيب اردوفان  بارسال طائرات الى اسرائيل للمشاركه فى عمليات الاطفاء وسط استياء  عربي واسلامي  عارم من هذا السلوك لرجب   طيب  اردوغان  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Open a chat with me

Open a chat with me
Love now is not easy .. many Afattayat always conducting and Ida behind the rich man and even if this

Here, we say that social networking sites from more topics covered Aomiha is a matter of chat and deal Alkwys with conversations between men and women everywhere, and also to work on the expansion of the man beyond her age several orders of magnitude, but it is important uncle most Afattayat in the world are the things and wealth
only. But little Afattayat do not look at the issues that Ta

Love now is not easy

Love now is not easy .. many Afattayat conducting and Ida always behind the rich man and even if this man several orders of magnitude than the old, but most important uncle Afattayat in the world are the things and wealth only. But little Afattayat do not look at the issues that are considered by the love in the first life and difficult attachment to each other hence confirms Egyptian professor had nothing to Vtayat love in love can be between dogs and some of them, or between Alehiswanat some of them and there is a large and broad exposure to object to such species of rivers large and small everywhere 

اتش تي سي اتش تي سي اتش تي سي
 or between Alehiswanat some of them and there is a large and broad exposure to object to such species of rivers large and small everywhere 

Love now is not easy